As we start our journey and sit on the M25, I consider all the benefits of waking at a reasonable hour, sharing breakfast and walking to work!

Sitting in the lounge watching all the people. How lucky we are to travel the world, to go on holidays to have family and friends to enjoy all these things with each other.
How do planes get off the ground? They are so big. The human brain is so massive and still so under used. The inventions and things we are capable of never ceases to amaze me. My only question is why do we not use that immense brain power for good, what makes us selfish and want for self when others have created so we all benefit?

We are in the cutest hotel, in a quaint town called Pacific Drive and were greeted by deer!

Another question I have is about coincidence? Over the weekend we were getting ready for the new school team, cutting, laminating etc and putting together lanterns. I can’t remember when I last saw a lantern, probably when I made them at primary school, or possibly we made them at Brigade or junior craft club. We even tried putting the lantern for school up in the lounge over the light to test it out. Now here I am in a town thousands of miles away decorated with lanterns, in houses, on lampposts, in trees just everywhere. How amazing those small links in our lives that keeps everything connected.